MMA Rashguards

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42 réponses

  1. Dana will moan about softball questions and shove any actual journalists put the door. There's no winning with him because he wants absolute control over the narrative at all times.

  2. It will be a whole different sport without Dana… I can’t believe I’ve been watching this and participating in this amazing sport for over 29 years now. It will live on, and I will love it, but it won’t be the same.

  3. UFC and MMA as a whole is just not used to actual journalism. Seriously NOTHING Ariel has written or spoken about is out of pocket for the sports industry, Adrian Wojnarowski has literally made his entire career as an NBA reporter for always being the first to announce trades, signings, draft picks and firings. Roger Goodell gets absolutely hammered by tough questions from sports writers all the time, in comparison MMA journalists treat Dana with kid gloves yet he still whines

  4. I was always on good terms with Dana when I wrote for USA TODAY from 2008 to 2011.

    Yes, I feel conflicted about that. The way he treated some of my colleagues — particularly Loretta Hunt, Josh Gross and Ariel Helwani — is impossible to defend. They were doing their jobs.

    And that treatment of those "outside" meant that those of us "inside" were viewed with some skepticism, as if we were all Dana's obedient sheep.

    I had some fun times covering the sport, but I don't miss it.

  5. Wonder if you'll remind me of something, talk about something I still occasionally talk about or tell me something I didn't know. Probably all 3 knowing this channel.

  6. Moment of silence for the "channel hall of famers" who have paid money only to be credited for such a short time you need to pause and scroll frame by frame to see each individual name 😬

  7. What areil did with regards to Lesnar was a total scumbag and selfish move.
    Banning him was too much but he should have known better than to ruin that surprise moment for fans.

  8. Just like this daddy Trump, Dana has been a "fake news" guru since day 1… honestly, fuck Dana, the UFC needs to move on.

  9. How can you blame them when 98% of the MMA media sucks hard…

    “I DIDNT LEAAK THE STOWWWYY.. I BWOKE IT 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢”

  10. 6:55 Dana claims the division was not killed by Nunes. He then goes on to fail miserably at properly promoting her, she never drew, and today the division is dead😂. F'n brilliant, Dana. What a POS.

  11. You guys uploading this is bizarre, since y'all keep deleting any anti UFC comments posted here in exchange of that sweet, sweet press pass 🖕🏿

  12. Dana is a bald clown lmao fed or was the goat at the time and pretty clearly, and he’s never done anything notable in athletics in his life either 💀 but respect for that quote at 13:00 if he really meant that that was some dope sht to do.

  13. Gotta space the ads out better. The list hasnt even started and your saying lets take a break. Take a break from what it just started.