MMA Rashguards

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44 réponses

  1. I thought i'd love this from start to finish, but it's somewhat entertaining and somewhat dissapointing to see people having a street fight in a professional stage.

  2. Everyone loves it when technique, gameplan and paitence go pear-shaped and the exchange turns into a straight-up boxing match. 😳

  3. 3:19 Hunt v Silva 1, for me my most important fight. Just personally.

    But an amazing shout to Lineker v Gaudinot right after. One of the best Flyweight Fights ever, very overlooked.

  4. Still mad that Poirier won that damn fight against Justin, but hey Gaethje's got the last laugh right now because he's going to be going against Max Holloway. I don't know if it's smart for him to get into any unecessary brawls with Max because it might be night-night for him if he's not careful.