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Where is melendez vs sanchez man?! thats one of the most brutal brawl no one is backing down
I thought i'd love this from start to finish, but it's somewhat entertaining and somewhat dissapointing to see people having a street fight in a professional stage.
Weili Joanna?
run out of brawls after first 40 secs?
Guida and Sanchez not showing tecnic skills at all
love it when the primal rage comes out
Everyone loves it when technique, gameplan and paitence go pear-shaped and the exchange turns into a straight-up boxing match. 😳
0:46 Bas Rutten yelling "WOAH look at this! Yes!" uplifts my soul
Not having Max Holloway in here is crazy
Frye vs Takayama is the pinnacle of MMA 😂😂
It's exciting sure, but it's not very smart for fighters who try to not catch brain damage.
Ppl dont know abt the prime nick diaz brawls both of rhose fights diaz one and the one with daylee nick diaz ko him
Diego vs Guida is and will forever be my number 1 UFC fight.
sucks Diego was hypnotized by a Con.
Ferguson the type of guy to get a bleeding cut in the back.
Ok let's be real, that Frye-Takayama scrap should have been #1-2
Invest in green energy! Windmills are the future!
What the parents think what im doing when I’m out with my friends at 9PM…
MMA fights in movies be like
Melendez and Sanchez should of been on there
I mean, its incredible to watch but this is not MMA at its best
Sawnson vs choi is hands down a top 5 greatest fights of all time
missing the Lawler Macdonald ending in a staredown. That was an effin war!
3:19 Hunt v Silva 1, for me my most important fight. Just personally.
But an amazing shout to Lineker v Gaudinot right after. One of the best Flyweight Fights ever, very overlooked.
Watch it and speed it up 2x
Cody is dangerous man I love it so much 😀🔥
God you got way better at these, tf am I watching a dude get hit 10 times and not watching the finish. My goat, good job brother!
Can't believe that Rory McDonald vs Robby Loller isn't on this list
niice video gj
Guidas hair always was a disadvantage. How the hell can you see with that in your face
Wanderlei ate the mat
Grey vs edgar
Bendo vs pettis
Bermudez vs benividez
I miss the duck and chuck days 😂
And people prefere this shit to technical war like Izzy vs Gastellum or Moreno vs Figgy… 😒😮💨
Alot of those guys are retired🫡 Pretty much all older ufc clips. They're fighting smarter maybe 🤔
This video actually got me off my couch on a day off to go and train.
Holloway vs lamas
D the nightmare Sanchez
No max Holloway
You could put majority of that cub-choi fight lol
Still mad that Poirier won that damn fight against Justin, but hey Gaethje's got the last laugh right now because he's going to be going against Max Holloway. I don't know if it's smart for him to get into any unecessary brawls with Max because it might be night-night for him if he's not careful.
How many haymakers does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
when i get high, i watch this video with the playback speed on 1.75x
You aint slick with the sped up footage
Hunt vs bigfoot still gives me goosebumps