MMA Rashguards

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15 réponses

  1. igor coulda came back and won, it was close up to that point. dumbest move of that guys life to do that. i would rather take a loss than to lose a career

  2. Lima : He bit me !
    Fans at first : Nah dawg ,,, you're trying to get out of the fight !
    Camera : shows the bite mark …

    Fans : Oh Jeeesus ! Holy Sh!!at !

  3. In fairness the dude grabbed the guy so many times now the ref was right it doesn’t make it right. But the cage grabs should’ve canceled it out

  4. People actin like the cage grabbing should cancel out the literal fucking bite lol. Igor “The Cannibal” Severino should be banned from the sport of MMA.

  5. UFC is dying this generation is so weak ! First we got Strickland as champion who is no where near close to good and now we get biters