MMA Rashguards

Regardez la deuxième partie de cette compilation de 22 minutes d'horribles arrêts tardifs dans les combats de MMA. Voyez les combattants retenir leurs soumissions pendant trop longtemps, des blessures horribles et un manque de jugement de la part des arbitres, ce qui entraîne des fins controversées. Même si nous aimons les combats intenses et passionnants, il est important que l'arbitre donne la priorité à la sécurité des combattants. Malheureusement, les arrêts tardifs montrent à quel point il est crucial pour un arbitre d'être alerte et rapide pour arrêter le combat lorsque cela est nécessaire. Observez et apprenez de ces erreurs dans l’espoir de mieux arbitrer à l’avenir. Aimez et abonnez-vous à la chaîne ! Partie 1 :

16 Responses

  1. YOU cant really blame big john for not stopping that fight when they told him he couldnt. I believe they changed it because he fought for it.

  2. I understand your supposed to fight until the ref stops but at what point does a fighter say enough. I mean that kid who kept elbowing that dude saying he knew he was out but it was on the ref. I dont know. Im not a fighter and im sure its a whole different thing when your in there but if you know a guy is out and you keep elbowing him in the face that is pretty messed up.

  3. the risks these fighters take…I've got good news. God is good because He gives His blessings to everyone, whether they be good or bad, ''He makes it rain on the just and unjust.'' but everyone has at least, told a lie, or stolen something in their life. and that makes them sinners, and God will not allow sinners in heaven; in His presence, because He is holy. so, God has to punish the sinners in hell, because God is severe and just. but if you have problems and crisis that you're dealing with, Jesus will solve them for you or help you go through it so that you will grow in Christ. but God is also love. here are the steps to get you redeemed/saved:

    1. admit that you're a sinner and are lost.

    2. realize that the penalty of sin is death (hell).

    3. believe that Jesus, who is God in the flesh, died on the cross, was buried, then rose from the grave, to pay the penalty for man's past, present, and future sins.

    4. trust Christ alone as your Savior, and not on your own good deeds to get you to heaven (nor a combination of faith plus your self-righteous works).

    5. pray to God that you have followed these steps; accepted Christ's free gift of salvation, because if you don't, you'll 🔥🥵😈.

    6. and to be a disciple of Christ, regularly pray, read the KJV bible, go to a bible-believing church and tell people about Jesus.

  4. The F-tier list: 🚫
    *Steve Mazagatti

    *Brian Miner

    *Jerin Valel

    *Josh Rosenthall

    and honorable mentions for
    *Mario Yamasaki

    *Leon Roberts

    *Frank Trigg
    *Yves Lavigne

  5. It’s amazing back in the early days how oblivious everyone was to an unconscious guy, it’s like they have no idea when a KO happens, even Rogan …just pathetic at times. They have no clue the guys KOed

  6. The McCarthy really cannot be blamed for what happened on UFC 2, he was specifically told by Gracie before the fight that the fights are only to be stopped via corner stoppage, submission or ko but he wasnt allowed to stop the fight when he thought it was over but did it anyways

  7. 13:25 isn't really a bad stoppage. He tapped but it wasn't a definitive tap as he went out. Literally a moment later he stopped it. That was fine by the ref there.