MMA Rashguards

Il y a déjà beaucoup de gens qui appellent Aïkido – Bullshido, mais le moment est venu de vraiment voir si l'Aïkido traditionnel fonctionne dans un ring de MMA. Bien que cette vidéo ne présente pas l'Aïkido contre le MMA en tant que véritable combat, ce n'est qu'un léger combat, elle montre quand même comment l'Aïkido ne fonctionne pas dans ce contexte, même lorsqu'il est associé à un pratiquant d'Aïkido de plusieurs années. C'est un bon signe que le combat en Aikido ne soit pas vraiment la partie la plus importante de l'efficacité de l'Aikido. Quels que soient les arts martiaux avec lesquels vous associez l'Aikido à la création d'une vidéo Aikido vs., qu'il s'agisse d'Aikido vs MMA, d'Aikido vs BJJ, d'Aikido vs Karate, d'Aikido vs Judo ou de tout autre Aikido vs, ce sera probablement toujours difficile et il Le manque de méthode d'entraînement de l'Aïkido laissera l'Aïkido exposé. En fin de compte, cela devient une scène de fantaisie contre réalité de l'Aikido, ce qui explique pourquoi certains des principaux mots de recherche pour l'Aikido sont : Aikido faux, aikido bullshido, l'aïkido ne fonctionne pas, l'aïkido est possédé, l'aïkido est détruit, l'aïkido en réalité, l'aïkido est une poubelle et bien plus encore. À moins que nous examinions l’application pratique de l’Aïkido, toute vidéo d’Aïkido vs MMA finira par paraître mauvaise. Il faut donc faire quelque chose et c'est pourquoi j'ai lancé un projet appelé Aikido Quest. Après cette expérience, j'ai continué à m'entraîner au MMA à temps plein pendant une année complète, j'ai participé à un combat amateur de MMA, puis je me suis à nouveau entraîné avec le même combattant de MMA. Voir les résultats ici : Regardez tout le parcours comment cette vidéo a conduit au lancement d'un nouveau style d'Aikido ► Regardez également ces vidéos : Pourquoi l'Aikido a-t-il perdu en popularité ? ► Maître d'Aikido en analyse MMA ► Vérité sur Steven Seagal ► Aikido vs Karate in Street ► Nom de la chanson utilisée en sparring : Nameless Warning – Spillway (Argofox)

47 Responses

  1. Nemoj da te ovaj meč razočara brate. Ti si i dalje aikido majstor. Pre svega, nosio si rukavice a mnogo tehnika u aikidou zahtevaju da su ti prsti slobodni. Ali kada to nije slučaj, onda možeš da iskoristiš i samu kretnju da savladaš protivnika, jer u aikidou tenkan ima glavnu ulogu. Ovde se vidi da si se baš trudio da to održiš. Ti kao majstor ove lepe umetnosti sigurno znaš za pravilo: "Kada te protivnik gura ti ga vuci, a kada te vuče, ti ga guraj". Napadi i finte znaju da te uplaše, ali evo još jednog trika: gledaj protivnikove laktove i butine. Tako ćeš lako osetiti odakle kreće napad i bukvalno ćeš ga predvideti. Nema predaje Sensei! Samo nastavi! Oss! 🙏💪💚🥋

  2. I dont know man. Why train something that doesnt work in real life and doesnt even have competitions. To me it sounds like a wastw of time. Wrestling, karate, muay thai, bjj, boxing, krav maga and sambo all have great benefits. Aikido has 0 benefit besides discipline which every other martial art also teaches

  3. What most people seem to forget: Aikido comes from a very different fighting background and simply does not hold up anymore against a "modern" (street) fight. It's basically is outdated. MMA is taking the best of all the material arts for real life situations

  4. I have been learning and teaching martial arts for many years, with Aikido been one of them. I strongly believe that Aikido works perfectly in the street, as long as you are pretty good at it. Meaning "some" karate might work. "Some" kick box same etc. "Some" Aikido will never work, you need to be really good to make it work.

  5. Since Aikido is a defensive martial art and thus can not win ma, why not develop an aggressive form of Aikido. You already have skills for submission moves. I think that could be very interesting to see.

  6. As a karate black belt, I was invited to train at an aikido class, and went along for a few weeks, I really enjoyed it and found the techniques very useful and effective when a wrist and a grab was involved, I was being redirected and thrown about like a rag doll (not learning to break my fall quickly enough made it painful on times 😂) The instructor and the other club members were really friendly and wanted to know how their techniques would fair in a sparring match. The main issue I found is that, as a trained fighter, you don't just throw one punch and leave it out there, you snap the punches back, and that is where the aikido punch and kick defence suffered, and the speed and variations of attack in quick combinations. But a drunk throwing a stiff arm from a mile away, and the aikido has a good chance. On a side note, I often hear people saying aikido is a fake martial art, which is not true by any means. When you see an aikido demonstration, both are skilled practitioners and the way they roll gracefully out of throws may make it appear 'fake'. They should get someone like me in to show what happens when they throw someone who doesn't know how to roll away gracefully, I'd be like a sack of sh!t hitting the mat 😂

  7. The beginning 3 minutes tells you everything. I do MMA and Jiu Jitsu for 8 years and I know that after just 1 or 2 years of only BJJ this guy would be easily beaten. You can't just expect to practice "moves" you have to learn then put into practice on a regular basis or you won't have cardio, you will be afraid to het hit, and you will have no real offense or defense. Put your kids into Jiu Jitsu first instead of wasting time on karate, tae-quando, and this junk.

  8. As the philosophy of Bruce Lee definitely pertains to your situation
    You can't be a swimmer without getting into the water to learn to swim. The reality is that with no physical training for swimming you'll most likely drown. With no actual participation in training with actual combat techniques you'll wind up being killed or severely injured. Plus there's the most obvious lesson I witnessed in this video, there's absolutely no rytyhm in the training

  9. To quote O'Sensei, "Aikido is NOT about fighting, it's about ending the attack!" he also said "If you are fighting you have already lost" I haven't watched anything but the beginning because O'Sensei already told me what the outcome will be. Please stop trying to make Aikido into something it is not. Aikido is not an expression of the pursuit of the ego, it is not the ego's version of power which is the ability to use force. In a different video you talked about wanting to find the "magical powers" of Aikido, they are not contained in your ego's pursuit of them. They may be available when you look to their source…. your spirit, the part of you that lives outside the words you speak!

  10. You can't test Aikido unless there are no gloves and all joint locks are allowed. Otherwise it's just boxing mixed with punches and judo/jui jitsu…which is essentially what MMA is. And in reality MMA is really Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do by a different name.

  11. I have trained in Aikido schools where it was legitimately hard to best the Sensei. That said, those Sensei ALSO had background in Judo or other martial arts, and had realistic views on Aikido's limitations. Aikido alone is inarguably incomplete. No ground work, alone, breaks it. As a supplementary art, though, it can be a fantastic pairing with Judo, BJJ, or MMA in general.

  12. Although the video is 6 years old. The stance of the aikido guy is too static if it was more dynamic the boxer could have probably end up with broken hand.

  13. Semi professional mma fighter vs aikido "master" is why Bruce Lee laughed at the thought of a belt or certificate for martial arts

  14. I have boxed, wrestled and donne BJJ. It is NOT the same. Aikido is not meant for that sort of SPORT combat. I understand that and therefore don't expect it to function well in MMA fights. I do expect it can function well in other areas.

  15. I'm a brown belt BJJ fighter and i swear by God that BJJ alone is a incomplete martial art. I have trained Muay Thai and Kickboxing before BJJ and i have the basis for standing fight. If you want to be a complete fighter, you NEED to learn striking fight, ground fight and grappling. That's why MMA is a extremely realistic "street" fight.

  16. I think Aikido can only work against MMA if you combine Aikido with boxing or something else, this would be a different thing then but hey, easier said than done.

  17. no, this is not a serious fight, if they were to fight for real, an mma fighter would beat an aikido master in a few seconds, that is reality, aikido is only for demonstration and show, in real fights it is useless

  18. I've trained for the majority of my time on earth (tkd as a small kid till middle school when I got into MT, BJJ, and judo), and I hardly ever talk about it outside of the gym, but I'm back in school now, retraining some data science stuff, and one of my instructors did aikido in the past… and he's one of 'those' guys. It sucks because I really like the teacher, but I bite my tounge till it bleeds when he goes on about aikido… until last time, and I just couldnt take it anymore. I tried to remain respectful, but in ALL my years training, I've never sparred someone who trained Aikido who had any real idea how to deal with a physical confrontation. They'd always just want to 'show me' something, crab my hand and pinch a nerve, like ya thats annoying, but if you think that's going to make me stop drilling you with knees, your insane. And now my point: Rokas, I've watched you for a long time, pretty much since this video came out, and I have to give you a million and one props for not only accepting the short comings of your art, but then to go head first into new arts, and hard charge it. Your a beautiful example of what an Aikido guy should be, and idk why it's always aikido that's like this, but SO many aikido guys think its the deadliest art ever, illegal because its too deadly, yadda yadda. I'm sending him this video, and your new one. your a stud, keep on keeping on!

  19. I love the comment around tge 1.25 minutes of this video. Im not a fighter. I am an Aikido prationer. Thats funny. Due to aikido on the real im not anywhere near how i used to be by far.

  20. You can see the level of training with the MMA guy, where he's countering purely on instinct. He's seen a hundred dudes grab for the hand before and his body just knows what to do

  21. Aikido was made by Samurai's as a technique to disarm opponents. So unless your opponent is coming at you with a blade, it is all pretty useless.

  22. What a lovely fellah the aikido man was,no lies and excuses.i think aikido would be handy if dealing with people if you were a bouncer,to wrap people up and control them .