MMA Rashguards

Ariel Helwani termine un week-end chargé, parle de la tristement célèbre morsure de l'UFC APEX 89, de son mépris pour les événements UFC organisés à l'APEX, GC révèle sa nouvelle coupe de cheveux, et plus encore. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder à des avantages : Abonnez-vous à MMA Fighting sur YouTube : Abonnez-vous à The MMA Hour sur iTunes : Abonnez-vous à The MMA Hour sur Spotify : Abonnez-vous au flux MMA Fighting sur iTunes : Consultez notre catalogue vidéo complet : Visitez nos playlists : Aimez MMAF sur Facebook : Suivez sur Twitter : En savoir plus : MMA Fighting est votre foyer pour des interviews exclusives, des spectacles en direct et bien plus encore pour l'un des sports à la croissance la plus rapide au monde. Recevez les dernières nouvelles et plus ici :

29 réponses

  1. I enjoyed the Apex cards when the pandemic hit. We were still able to see fights. Great adjustment by the company. But now these apex cards seem to be more of a "we dont believe these fights will sell tickets so we'll have them in our venue" type thing. Would like to see them cut the amount of apex cards in half.

  2. It's always a billion events now instead of fewer quality ones. Most of these cards were things that would have been in feeder leagues back in the day. They have that ESPN money so no one gives a crap about the quality anymore.

  3. They do these funeral home Apex shows so that they can save site fees, save travel costs for themselves and save production costs, in addition to putting on mostly regional promotion level fighters who fight for ham sandwiches and bags of peanuts. This is what happens when an incompetent sociopath runs a major fighting business. You get these sorts of absurdities.

  4. I LOVE when Big fights happen in the APEX & small cage. Poirier vs Hooker is incredible n one of my favorite fights ever to rewatch because there is no crowd noise. Id prefer title fights n big fights at the Apex & the junky contenders fight in some unknown town.

  5. I like them. Would like to see more live fight nights in general, but I enjoy the dynamic of the silence during a lot of the fight, hearing the different corner's coaching and the sounds of the fight. Also for up and comer fights, it's nice that it moves along with a bit less down time between fights and quicker walkouts. Of course bigger name live fight nights are good, but imo when fight nights were always live, the half dead crowds for no-name cards, was a worse atmosphere than the Apex.

  6. UFC Apex cards are holding me hostage in my house on Saturday nights. I love UFC and I'll watch no matter what but at least make the cards worth watching.

  7. $339 million in net profits in 2023 is the reason UFC is still & will continue doing apex events

    That & the ratings continue to increase.

  8. I don't mind some of them and sometimes try to catch some of them. But as light as they are on star power, I wish they'd short up on some and stack some of these ppv's. It's an apex event damn near every weekend.

  9. i love the Apex cards.. i do wish the crowd made more noise, its always at least 100 ppl or close to it and you could hear a pen drop, that's how silent they are at times.. other than that, Apex cards are great imo