MMA Rashguards

L'un des combats de mma les plus fous. Boxeur professionnel aux formes controversées Eric Esch alias Butterbean contre Wesley 'Cabbage' Correira. Les deux combattants américains dans une bataille intéressante. Wesley 'Cabbage' Correira (États-Unis) contre Butterbean (États-Unis) | MMA Fight, HD Abonnez-vous ! #Butterbean #MMA #Cabbage #KO #Knockout

48 réponses

  1. Butterbean infamously did little to no training for his last 20+ fights. The fact that a man of that size could go into a professional fight, lugging around all that weight, and fight w/ just his grit says a lot about his toughness. Respect the bean.

  2. Butterbean beat the shit out of his body. Watched that documentary he did with DDP & it's good to see he was able to find a purpose after all this by working on his health. Sucks to see a guy so tough become so beat up and barely able to walk.