MMA Rashguards

Revivez l'un des combats les plus divertissants de la carrière de Jon Jones jusqu'à présent, lorsqu'il affrontait Alexander Gustafsson pour la première fois lors d'un match très serré en 2013 à l'UFC 165. Abonnez-vous pour obtenir tous les derniers contenus de l'UFC : Vivez l'UFC en direct avec l'UFC. FIGHT PASS, le service d'abonnement numérique de l'UFC. Visitez Pour commander des PPV UFC sur ESPN+, visitez (États-Unis uniquement) Pour commander des PPV UFC, visitez (hors États-Unis) Connectez-vous avec l'UFC en ligne et sur les réseaux sociaux : Site Web : Twitter : Facebook : Instagram : Snapchat : UFC Periscope : Connectez-vous avec UFC FIGHT PASS sur les réseaux sociaux : Twitter : Facebook : Instagram :

20 réponses

  1. Gustafsson got robbed. Although I do think Jones looked better off by the end of it. Gustafsson looked like he was an inch away from Jesus there.

  2. its a shame that we joke about conor being danas favourite, jones gets to hit steroids, rob reyes and gustafson, hold the belt while sitting out for ages at a time more than once, refuse to fight people he really should be fighting, overall just seemingly a scummy type of guy, appreciate the dude for his mma abilities he really can fight, but aside from that he is a bit of a douche and just gets to write his own narrative it seems, blank cheque is one thing but blank universe is crazy

  3. as big of a jones fan as i am, im also a huge gus fan. and i gotta say i don’t know how jon won, to this day it’s still very close, but for him to win unanimously is ridiculous. gus won at least the first 2 rounds, jon won the last two, but i honestly think gus probably won the 3rd. so for it to be unanimous is still ridiculous to me