MMA Rashguards

N'oubliez pas de vous abonner ! ============================================ #knockouts #mma #ufc ============================================ Bonne journée, chers amis, Paul est de nouveau avec vous et vous êtes de retour sur la chaîne “PaulStrikerENG”. Bon visionnage 😉 ============================================ Martial mixte arts (MMA), parfois appelé combat en cage, combat sans retenue et combat ultime, et initialement appelé Vale Tudo, est un sport de combat de contact complet basé sur la frappe, le grappin et le combat au sol, incorporant des techniques de divers sports de combat du monde entier. le monde. La première utilisation documentée du terme arts martiaux mixtes remonte à une critique de l'UFC 1 par le critique de télévision Howard Rosenberg en 1993.(6) La question de savoir qui a réellement inventé le terme est sujette à débat. Quand les géants sont détruits par de petits combattants en MMA

22 Responses

  1. David vs. Goliath. for those going through the comments, I've got good news. God is good because He gives His blessings to everyone, whether they be good or bad. but everyone has at least, told a lie, or stolen something in their life. and that makes them sinners, and God will not allow sinners in heaven; in His presence, because He is holy. so, God has to punish the sinners in hell, because God is severe and just. but God is also love and He made a way for some to be saved from His wrath. here are the steps:

    1. admit that you're a sinner and are lost.

    2. realize that the penalty of sin is death (hell).

    3. believe that Jesus (who is God) died on the cross, was buried, then rose from the grave, to pay the penalty for man's past, present, and future sins.

    4. trust Christ alone as your Savior, and not on your own good deeds to get you to heaven (nor a combination of your faith and self-righteous works).

    5. pray to God NOW that you're accepting Christ's free gift of salvation because if you die before making this decision, it's too late, and you'll 🔥🥵😈

    6. and to be a disciple, tell people about Jesus, read the bible, go to church regularly to know God's will for your life.

  2. ah, old-school MMA matches. for those going through the comments, I've got good news. God is good because He gives His blessings to everyone, whether they be good or bad. but everyone has at least, told a lie, or stolen something in their life. and that makes them sinners, and God will not allow sinners in heaven; in His presence, because He is holy. so, God has to punish the sinners in hell, because God is severe and just. but God is also love and He made a way for some to be saved from His wrath. here are the steps:

    1. admit that you're a sinner and are lost.

    2. realize that the penalty of sin is death (hell).

    3. believe that Jesus (who is God) died on the cross, was buried, then rose from the grave, to pay the penalty for man's past, present, and future sins.

    4. trust Christ alone as your Savior, and not on your own good deeds to get you to heaven (nor a combination of your faith and self-righteous works).

    5. pray to God NOW that you're accepting Christ's free gift of salvation because if you die before making this decision, it's too late, and you'll 🔥🥵😈

    6. and to be a disciple, tell people about Jesus, read the bible, go to church regularly to know God's will for your life.

  3. O problema é que esses homens grandões são meio lerdos e se cansam rápido. Com exceção do Choi, ele é grande mas é bem ágil pro tamanho!