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-Soutenez-nous sur Patreon ! -Suivez-nous sur Instagram Lien sources Source-Aaron Bronsteter- *Musique de fond beatsbyNeVs – Ridin' *Musique d'introduction beatsbyNeVs – MMA World Intro
Never trust what Brendand Shcaub has to say
Brendan Schaub's comment didn't age well
UFC is trying its hardest to get shevchenko a belt again. got beat up on the feet in the first so she had to change the game plan. Even though she claimed she can beat evey woman at their own game. then gets subbed. then doesnt do enough to win a 2nd fight. timid and looking to lay on a bitch
How to guarantee that nobody watches the new season of TUF…
It's fun to watch since you already know that Ngannou got KTFO-ed by AJ
Still a good move for Ngannou, he is rich now. Truly rich person, if he manages money well or will invest then he's provided for life and even his grandsons are too
Schaub will explain how he saw it coming now
just trust me and putt all of your savings on kevin holland…. easy money…. he is gonna destroy mvp… when mvp fight actual good fighters he loses.
Schaub strikes again
Can we please get rid of Shaubs takes on MMA or Boxing. He sucks at football, MMA, Comedy, Speaking, and predicting anything. Stop giving him a platform.
Everyones jsut gonna free livestream that Jake paul trash. Only a smooth brain causal would waste money on a fight like that.
7:53 apparently Francis cant take AJ shots. Fury didn't take Francis serious, AJ did. Huge difference. Plus AJ got to study tape.
Damit Schaub
aljo playing 5d chess trying to make sean underestimate chitto
big fan but perry is fuckin stupid, nobody thinks it's not going to be a good fight in terms of entertainment, it's a bad fight in terms of ethics. 57 year old vs prime fighter (not gonna look up age and get fuckin prime ads for the rest of my life) is a clown show.
I came back to say, STOP SHOWING BRENDA SLOBS.
That Ngannou loss hurt… damn…
They haven't settled last Tuf season. Feck sake Dana.
Did I just witness "Towelgate". Looks like Marlon was rock climbing on those scales
Chito, been training with Alex Honold for that weigh in
Song looks like a mortal kombat character with the shades on in the press conference
Brendan shaub knows nothing about fighting
Schaub with L take yet again
Chito learned to weigh in from DC! Why is nobody talking about this???
Guess who won’t be watching Ultimate Fighter? Any UFC fan not related to Grasso and Valentina. Really Dana???
Francis got rocked.
Michael Venom Page not getting a proper promotion introduction into the UFC must have him feeling unwanted already. Such a trashy wasteful thing not to show the UFC audience the talent they're about to see, especially since you now own the company he use to fight for pretty much. Dana & his number crunching geeks in the front office all need to step down & let real fight promoters run the company
Brendan gooooo away you div
And boy is he a snake .
Jorge moves like a 16 year old wannabe gangsta.
8:21 uhhhhhhhh. Hahahaha. This aged so well! Too perfect
I wish hed announce the UFC is gonna stop riding Donald Trump dck so hard cos man its getting ridiculous. Regardless my political stance, im here for the sport not politics
Watching this video and Schaub talk about Francis' chin after having seen the fight..
Chito with the DC scale curtain, now named cheato.
I would think Ultimate Fighter costs UFC money by now. Who would want to go through a gauntlet of fights for free that don't count on your record? If they're going to keep doing it they need to have amateur MMA fighters and sign the winner when they turn pro
Brandon Shaub needs to retire from podcasting. Dude is worthless and wrong more than half the time