MMA Rashguards

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48 réponses

  1. <!< !<!<!My Lord J.ESUS Returns, repent of sin and OBEY the LAW of the Father…   Y..A,,H.. is a egipt DEMON, BEWARE … (HalleluJAH is a PAGAN word);!;!;;

  2. I thought we got rid of Diego and Joshua. But they've crawled back out of their hole again.
    They need marriage counselling and to disappear

  3. No money in the world would make me want to be a professional fighter with CTE as bad as some. These guys are soldiers of another time.16k to catch brain damage is insane to me

  4. Diego is so broken. He's talking about how that Fabia guy think's he ruined his reputation while he's literally calling him a psychopathic witch. Diego is not ok. It's really messed up that were watching this. I know you can't force someone to get psychological help. But he is really clearly unstable. You can see why him, and that Fabia guy got along so well.

  5. Edmund Shabazyan is now with a great coach and a good team. We can see his growth in these last three fights

  6. I wish Diego wld have just beat the ish out of that weirdo Fabia! That dude was all bark and not bite!
    Sucks that those people prey on people like Diego that arent as smart!
    Diego took the best route thos prolly, I hope dude realizes no one is ever gonna do anything w him after all this! Diego a true OG of the UFC and our fans are everywhere!
    Dude will get whats coming right!?

  7. drug cartel and latino in general used witchcraft beyong what the greengo believe like santeria used souls of dead people and all over latin america is afro religion but no one will cover the topic

  8. This is the most sane ive seen Diego in a long time. There was definitely abuse and manipulation going on. Glad he's free of that con.