MMA Rashguards

Après avoir participé à divers sports de combat, Michael Page s'est fait un nom grâce à son style excentrique et, bien sûr, à ses KO. Surnommé Vénom, il est devenu un phare du Bellator qui attire l'attention du monde du MMA sur la ligue. Nous allons rappeler tous ses coups marquants responsables de dizaines de commotions cérébrales inattendues. Texte : Oleg Volodin Montage vidéo : Ilia Smertin Voix : Timothy Kerby

37 Responses

  1. How come UFC didn't sign up MVP long time ago?
    He's more entertaining than Conor McGregor or any fighter UFC ever had.
    He will KO Halland this weekend

  2. he is very dangerous, cracked one of his opponents skull retiring cyborg, the other one broken jaw, the other one needed nose rebuilt. Ive been following him for years about time he goes into the UFC he should have been in years ago.

  3. It was exciting to see him in his first MMA fight tonight. No idea he was on the card. He did not dissapoint. Cannot wait to see how far he goes.

  4. I hope we get more of this going forward in the UFC. I dont think we will get as much though, the fighters are smarter than to run in with him.