Bienvenue dans la vidéo électrisante d'aujourd'hui, où la communauté MMA se retrouve plongée dans un tourbillon d'annonces choquantes et de révélations à couper le souffle ! Accrochez-vous à vos sièges pendant que nous plongeons dans les changements sismiques qui secouent le monde des combats. Tout d’abord, dans un geste qui a provoqué une onde de choc dans l’univers de la boxe, l’emblématique Mike Tyson se prépare pour une confrontation historique contre nul autre que la sensation controversée Jake Paul ! Préparez-vous à vivre l'un des plus grands bouleversements de l'histoire de la boxe ! Mais ce n'est que la pointe de l'iceberg. Préparez-vous alors que Sean Strickland adresse un avertissement effrayant à Ryan Garcia, déclenchant une tempête de spéculations dans le domaine du MMA avec ses opinions non filtrées. Pendant ce temps, les projets de retour de Conor McGregor ont fait vibrer la communauté du combat avec impatience. Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, Francis Ngannou, prêt à affronter Anthony Joshua, lâche des propos enflammés en réponse à son ancien adversaire Tyson Fury, alimentant une rivalité déjà flamboyante. Mais dans ce chaos, les questions abondent. McGregor reviendra-t-il vraiment dans l'octogone pour affronter Michael Chandler ? Tyson pourra-t-il défier tous les pronostics contre Jake Paul ? Rejoignez la conversation, appuyez sur le bouton J'aime et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner pendant que nous naviguons dans le paysage des sports de combat alimenté par l'adrénaline !
June 29th
cant wait
if Jake beats him he is going to claim he is better than Tyson ever was, but leave out the bit he fought him at almost 60 years of age
No amount of money is enough for Paul.
Imagine being Francis and SITTING THERE KNOWING That the man YOU ARE GETTING READY TO FIGHT, has been ducking and running from the man who already beat you up.
And still OPENING your COCK-HOLSTER to the gypsy who invades your every thought.
Francis is a fucking cuck bitch beta. A big sack of muscle without skill. Nor does he have self-worth that means anything or he'd keep his mouth shut and focus on his fight. but, he doesn't. Because Fury still haunts his dreams, and he knows AJ is afraid of Fury also.
AJ will HAPPILY fight all who Fury has already bagged. But he won't fight FURY. LMAO
Francis just wants the bag. And ignorant uneducated people are all about buck fighting.
That weed Tyson has been smoking is worse than the coke that he was taking.
Fury is a complete troll
Lmfao fighting Tyson doesn’t make you a winner. I’m happy I never subbed to this post channel. The host is a clown
Jake fighting anyone couldn't be considered a dream fight. what a joke. If a dream fight is some wannabe boxer and a retired champ up in his 50s your all on crack.
The MO for the Paul brothers is that they fight old and outdated famous fighters. IMHO StreetBeefs champs can probably win against either Paul brothers but they would never do it.
If the brothers really want to prove themselves, they should do a tournament style and fight multiple in one night. That would shut the nay sayers up
Mental illness? Or complete and 100% honesty. Strickland is fucked in the head, that's undoubtedly true. It's time for him to fight again or stfu
Conner never fighting again
I believe Ryan Garcia
Jake paul would try to fight mohammed ali after that
Fury is a joke, barely won the boxing match with Ngannou. Hed be easy work in the cage
Paul is gonna be hugging Tyson like a hot lover
The only way Tyson loses is if it’s fixed
I hope Tyson destroys that obnoxious POS!!!! Jake is not the greatest of all time and Tyson is older now. Tyson doesn't need this and shouldn't be boxing. Can you imagine if Tyson was 20 what he would do to poor little Jake.
Ngannou vs Jake Paul sounds a lot better
This man was like a gardener in a war
If Jake Paul wants to be a great fighter why’s he going after Mike Tyson at age 57..! He’s just scared of fighting someone his own age and weight..!
Those unbalanced like the gender crew, all in the Ljclmnop+-÷☆€¥ and leftist? Ok
"twice on sunday" lol
Oh god mike tysons will fuck him back ig he unleases it all and doesnt get high or take shrooms, jakes not gonna win this one i can say that even with how old mike tyson is he isnt gonna beat mike thats the beast man the beast few concor and the ones that did well he wasnt in a good mindset like nowadays, his conscience is cleared more, prison aint running through his head nor is a title so if he wins this is purely outta just will to win which itself is the drive that many need not a belt, it would be remembered
its going to be staged for sure
I WILL LOSE ALL RESPECT FOR TYSON IF HE TAKES A LOSS FOR MONEY. He has done too much and is too much to go out like that …
I guess this proves people WILL do anything for money… I feel sad for Tyson
You can’t beat father time.
wHO Is HEre AftER That fight with AJ. AJ posted those punches, Ungannu had time to flinch n recoil instead of defending.
Why mma mad, it’s a boxing exhibition?? I think it’s stupid but wgaff. I also hope Tyson F’s him up
This won't be good
What do you mean it doesn't matter if he wins or loses he's still a winner? Lmfao buddy it doesn't matter if he fights the mike tyson or not the guy is 60 years old
imagine the headlines "Jake paul knocks out senior citizen" or "Jake paul gets knocked out by a senior citizen" no winning in that one try again but this time pull the meat away from your lips lmfao
Swear if Tyson goes soft amd doesnt go all out like he used to….
My thoughts are it’s embarrassing that UFC fans in their echo chamber think boxing is doing poorly because they say so. While boxing actually crushes MMA globally. And more so even in MMA, One crushes UFC. But, UFC fans are generally useful idiots that have no clue about reality
jake paul is always about money lol no matter if he fights a 60 yr old tyson lol
The key is for Tyson not to knock him out. Paul will accept losing to Tyson if he looks good in doing so. That's how the payout works
So money wins again… so much for integrity and respect for the sport.
I want tyson to win so bad, but im worried about tyson because he couldn’t even knock out a dumb drunk on a plane with no gloves and plenty of jaw shots.
All these other fighters mad at jake because they know they’ll never get a fight that gets as much attention
jealous little boys
SS if you have this level of mental dysfunction you should not have access to firearms.
Mike will kill him
Just needs that one punch
Can hardly hear anything with the annoying music blasting in the background
In what world is a 60 year old Tyson vs Paul is a dream fight,it's Soo stupid.
Connor is done
Im canceling Netflix the month of that tyson fight
It's an exhibition so don't believe the outcome