MMA Rashguards

« Mike Tyson, en difficulté. » La simple prononciation de cette phrase fait des vagues dans le monde des sports de combat. Entre-temps, le tribunal de l'opinion publique a rendu son verdict. L'homme autrefois surnommé « l'homme le plus méchant de la planète », vénéré pour sa puissance et sa férocité inégalées, entre maintenant dans un vortex d'incertitude. Les inquiétudes concernant le bien-être de Tyson ne sont pas que des chuchotements dans la communauté de la boxe ; ce sont des appels forts et résonnant avec un sentiment d'urgence. Son combat imminent avec Jake Paul n'est pas seulement un combat ; c'est un spectacle enveloppé de controverses, avec des enjeux qui n'ont jamais été aussi élevés. Alors que l'anticipation grandit et que le jour approche, nous plongeons au cœur de cette confrontation sans précédent. Alors sans plus tarder, commençons . Mais si vous appréciez la vidéo, n'oubliez pas d'aimer et de vous abonner à la chaîne. Nous sommes juste un peu loin d'atteindre 70 000 abonnés, et pour cela, nous vous sommes incroyablement reconnaissants.

24 réponses

  1. Mike Tyson it's going to dismantle him he is going to destroy him he is going to give him a personal tour of Welcome to the house of pain of Mike Tyson good luck young man you're going to need it because Mike Tyson's not going to show you no mercy

  2. He lost to tommy fury and didnt knock out an older diaz mike is much heavier stronger and faster than both only age is against him but its mike tyson not an mma guy or a basket ball player and he's someone the same size or bigger

  3. paul sees this as a show. he doesn't quite grasp that tyson sees this as war. tyson is a boxing connoisseur .
    one other thing. paul's defense is an all-you-eat buffet for tyson. paul is gonna learn how the cow ate the cabbage.

  4. All the people saying tyson is to old are going to learn that mike tyson is not a normal 58 year old. And it's disgusting that people actually think jake paul will win!! Jake is nothing more than a club fighter. People should be worried about Jake paul getting hit by a pro heavyweight

  5. People who really think Jake Paul could win as an amateur lvl boxer against Mike Tyson just proofs how less they now about boxing. Tyson will rip him apart. Jake cant handle the pressure and those heavy hands. Tyson might be much older, but old tigers are still deadly.

  6. There’s something so cheesy and unlikeable about Jake and something so respectable and likable about Mike. I really hope Mike wins, doesn’t get his back messed up or anything and just makes a freakin ton of money. But one thing I know, the Mike Tyson of 30 years ago would have eaten this guy like a pork rind. That will never change.

  7. Big difference between Jake's exhibitions which equals scripted Jake has never fought in a real pro fight never had a sanctioned fight in his life.

  8. It can only go bad for Jake Paul. He will either be known as the guy that beat up an old man or known for getting his ass kicked by an old man. Either way outside of a big payday he is going to be the looser. He will go down in boxing history as the most disrespected boxer of all time.

  9. It's clear a money grab …… Thought Mike Tyson was making money from his weed farm …. This is all about likes views which make more money than tickets …… Stop already …😢