MMA Rashguards

Abonnez-vous à Full Mount MMA : ► MÉDIAS SOCIAUX : Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► 00:00 – Mark Coleman MISE À JOUR 01:01 – Mike Tyson se prépare pour Jake Paul 01:23 – Le zombie coréen dit que son menton a disparu 01:50 – Gilbert Burns veut toujours devenir champion 02:49 – Beneil Dariush, Rampage Jackson et Luke Rockhold sur le VIEILLISSEMENT en MMA 04:30 – Robert Whittaker n'en revient pas des commentaires à l'UFC 299 06:09 – Sean Strickland et Dricus ont des mots 06 : 38 – Tom Aspinall rencontre Jon Jones 07:10 – Meilleurs commentaires LIENS : #UFC #MMA #UFC300

40 réponses

  1. Tyson won’t even hit Paul like he’s hitting the mitts. It will be in the contract he can’t actually ko Paul and will lose by decision to not make it so obvious. Boxing has been dead for a long time.

  2. how can anyone be a fan of jon jones is beyond me! there is no bigger narcissist than this a hole who lost at least 2 fights but acts like he's all that..

  3. Rob is still effed up for yoel taking his sole it all just a bunch of hot air falling out of some woke bitchs mouth eat shit they them ur done.

  4. no one thought Plessis won that btw. did he not look in a mirror? he was a disfigured freak and got outstruck all fight. so what if Sean relied on his jab a little too much that fight. you dont get extra points for throwing a hook and missing instead of throwing a jab and landing.

  5. yea dont touch the shoulder lmao! jones is my favorite fighter but timing is just off to be fighting all the young bucks who show up i feel him take the big fights and retire in peace

  6. 1. Who cares about Coleman, dudes not in the ufc anymore and half of y’all wouldn’t even know who tf he is if he didn’t set himself on fire

    2. A young fake talented prospect vs a boxer who’s WAY past his prime, fuck this fight I don’t give a SHIT who wins

    3. Everyone already knows your chin is gone. Bro got KO’d by pillow hands Holloway, I’d like to see him get flatlined by josh emmet or ilia next

    4. Gilbert burns will never be champ, had his chance against usman and he got KO’d then started crying like a lil bitch, NEXT!

    5. Who cares about this podcast, bunch of nobodies anyway

    6. Get over it Whittaker 😂 don’t make me call Izzy to come sit ur ass down again

    7. Strickland lost and doesn’t deserve a title shot 😂 name 3 Sean Strickland fights without mentioning his last 2. YOU CANT, dricus needs to whoop Izzy next.

    8. Jon jones would get smoked by Tom 😂 keep waiting on old ass stipe. Crazy to think that prime Stipe would absolutely STEAMROLL Jon jones and Tom