MMA Rashguards

N'oubliez pas de vous abonner ! ============================================= #mma #knockouts #ufc ============================================ Bonne journée, chers amis, Paul est de nouveau avec vous et vous êtes de retour sur la chaîne “PaulStrikerENG”. Bon visionnage 😉 ============================================ Martial mixte (MMA) est un sport de combat de contact complet basé sur la frappe, le grappling et le combat au sol, incorporant des techniques de divers sports de combat du monde entier.(1) La première utilisation documentée du terme arts martiaux mixtes a eu lieu dans une revue de l'UFC. 1 par le critique de télévision Howard Rosenberg en 1993. Quand les bodybuilders impétueux sont détruits par des combattants de MMA

29 Responses

  1. bro, 1) at least the bodybuilders try, 2) mma fighters lift themselves, 3) mma can't outlift bodybuilding (unless you're a freak like Brock Lesnar)

  2. In Life’s endeavors we train to accomplish a certain task. You don’t lift weight to win a fight you train in a fighting sports. You lift weights to win a lifting competition

  3. People weightlifters with huge biceps can’t even throw a punch with their huge useless biceps. They get so big he can’t even throw a punch to protect themselves , have you ever seen a weightlifter shadowbox? I didn’t think so they can’t. The bigger they are the harder they fall the slower they are unable to protect or throw a punch

  4. The thing that the fighter know is there is a button on you chin, and if you can accurately hit it then you can knock almost anyone. This also means that the weightlifters (or whoever) doesnt bother to protect the button

  5. There are lots of benefits in Boxing and weight lifting, I can tell it because I were both. Weight lifting caused me to have more physical and mental endurance, that made me do more work and productivity in Home and in workplace. Boxing increased my stamina, agility, precision, and self confidence. Which is why I'm not afraid in square offs.