Nous aimons tous l’histoire d’un bon chevalier en armure étincelante lorsqu’il se précipite pour sauver la demoiselle en détresse. Cependant, parfois, les rôles s'inversent et la demoiselle mène le combat contre le chevalier. Dans de tels cas, le titre de gentleman est gardé de côté pendant que les chevaliers ripostent. Vous voulez savoir à quoi cela ressemble ? Assurez-vous ensuite de rester jusqu’à la fin de la vidéo. Aujourd'hui, nous vous montrons dix cas où des gars ont riposté. Vidéo folle : Narrateur : Tysmithvoice Chercheur/écrivain : Emekaekwuribe Monteur vidéo : Raljon Musique : Stock de séquences multimédia : Plus de séquences d'archives : Soutenez la chaîne avec les liens ci-dessous ! Twitter : Abonnez-vous à Brutal TV pour plus de vidéos. Description de la chaîne : Cette chaîne est dédiée à tous les différents types d'arts martiaux. Nous fabriquons tout, des arts martiaux japonais traditionnels à la boxe. J'espère que tu aimeras la vidéo. Veuillez laisser un like pour que nous puissions continuer à créer plus de vidéos. #Drôle #tendance #rire #mma #karen
I hope you enjoy the video!
A lot of good lessons learned today for females.Don't act like a man unless you want to be treated like one
Here to see all the guys salivating that a skinny man can beat up a beefed up woman, therefore boys still rule, girls still drule
I wouldn't wrestle a chick.she might get pregnant😅😅😅😅
That kid is every mom's nightmare😅😅😅😅
I smashed my phone for subscribe, i love and enjoy it watching. 😂
Any man accepting to fight a woman just for money or whatever is just a disgrace to human race.
I cant see any of girls arguing in the comments😂☠️
Can we please do a men vs woman league just to put an end to this?
i need you 4 2 boys of mine
And women should be in the military
I got an idea: what if women stay women?….
I think that most of these are just guys and girls competing in a fight
And that why women should not be in the military
As a man if you lose a fight to a girl that's it your gonna get laughed at all your life 😂😂
Its just boxing 💀 misogynistic much how disrespectful
What are you talking about. The lady card gets pulled in the military more often than civvy street
5:31 that entire statement, not the best phrasing to say the least
1:37 pathologic
2:35 physq
The wt rlty
amazing video !!
That little kid knows technique that woman probably only watched matches.
Skeleton man is my new hero 💪
Skeleton was personal 😅😅😅
Trust me, the men are still holding back when facing the females, even when winning easily….
That girl thought she could beat the big guy up lmfaoo
The little boy fighting the grown lady part the lady went easy because the boy was training
2:17 bro didn't even hesitate 💀
For all the women perusing the comments, men who dont fight back know that if they do you drop like a sack of potatoes. Only the weaker men fight back.
Hears silly voice – "Dont recommend channel". Bye.
Women have list it men are born stronger and better genetically. 😂😂
The obese one is wild, wdym judge a book by it's cover, he weighs like 4x her and he's a dude it was obvious what was gonna happen
That guy who does the voice over should thanks the gods for internet, he would never hd a chance in the professional world, only in you tube ^^
Men have 2 options in these situations
1. Let her win so I don't look like an a-hole
2. F that, I ain't no b1t¢h
Now these men should be proud of themselves, it’s not EZ beating up a woman. 😂😂😂😂😂. Dude you are one bad ass mean you go keep on fighting Ladies.
That 1st military one was like a charging bull in Spain.
I fight my wife 9 months ago on queen size ring now we have a baby
Whats the point of theese vids? Transgender are free To participiate In paraolympics if they so desire.
Oh no, in reality a man always lets a woman win at breaking his heart.
Only in movie you will see ladies will win in combat fight😅
@3:10 thats Charlie Zelenoff right? LOL
Umm isn’t Gita Figueroa a man?
When women step up in a ring with a dude they deserve no mercy it’s a place you shouldn’t be.
Whenever I need inner peace, I watch this video.