MMA Rashguards

MMA news aujourd'hui : SEAN STRICKLAND TIRE LA FEMME DE IAN GARRY MERAB DVALSHVILI CONFRONT PAULO COSTA POUR AVOIR VOLÉ SA NOURRITURE BELAL MUHAMMAD FOURNIT UNE MISE À JOUR SUR LE COMBAT POUR LE TITRE DE LEON EDWARDS BRENDAN SCHAUB RÉAGIT À LA PERTE DE 335 MILLIONS DE DOLLARS DE L'UFC EN PROCÈS DANIEL CORMIER RÉAGIT À SEAN STRICKLAND VIDÉO RÉCENTE 00 :00 Merab confronte Paulo Costa pour avoir volé sa nourriture 01:18 La prédiction de Belal Muhammad pour Colby Covington contre Ian Garry 02:39 Cormier réagit à la récente vidéo de Sean Strickland 03:59 Strickland riposte à la femme de Ian Garry 06:18 Brendan Schaub réagit à L'UFC perd 335 millions de dollars en justice 08:15 top 3 des mèmes mma Contact : #UFC #MMA #MMANEWS

49 Responses

  1. I wonder if Sean is jealous or just gay cause I strongy disagree with him saying that Layla´s old and that nobody wants to see her naked. Imo, I think she´s hotter than his girlfriend and Nina, who he rated a 6 at best.

  2. Belal not even having young mma fans recognize him in a store so stop the BS with this OLD lady story . Also STOP posting videos of irish guys wife ! we dont care what the irish guys wife thinks about other fighters WTF why are you guys fueling the negative bs that has nothing to do with the sport ? We dont care about Nina we dont care about Irish dudes wifes opinion we are here for mma content.

  3. 100 fighters so there getting 3 million each. What a payout. Lol.. the fighters sueing are mad cause they all got cut cause they couldn't make it..