MMA Rashguards

Rose Namajunas, gagnante de l'événement principal de l'UFC sur ESPN 53, s'est entretenue avec MMA Junkie et d'autres médias après sa victoire par décision unanime contre Amanda Ribas à Las Vegas. Récapitulatif complet du combat : Assurez-vous de vous abonner pour recevoir des mises à jour lorsque nous publions du nouveau contenu : Pour les dernières nouvelles de l'UFC et du MMA : Une partie du réseau USA TODAY : #UFCVegas89 #UFC #RoseNamajunas

29 Responses

  1. Still held back by Pat Barry. The whole fight he's yelling at her to "just keep dribblin'" and "just touch". Dude… Rose is so much better than that. She needs a coach that has her trusting herself and going for the finish.

  2. When talking about things that fighting is hard on, like not just physically but mentally as well?
    Let us not forget spiritually, for our bodies are Holy temples. God will most certainly use us where we are, however, I'm quite certain He does not appreciate the fight game. It wasn't cool with Him with the Romans and the Coliseum and it's not cool with Him today on a global platform.

    That technology Daniel spoke of…..

    Knowing that the word pharmacy is translated from the word sorcery, let us stay off all drugs, including marijuana.
    Especially considering the endocannabinoid system is a neuromodulatory system responsible for partial regulation of cognitive and emotional processes in the human central nervous system such as behavior, mood disorders, and neurologic disorders such as epilepsy and ultimately how important the endocannabinoid system is to our hormonal system and how marijuana over stimulates it.

    We don't want to be inviting these unclean spirits into our life, not even the spirit of slumber because then slumber will invite other unclean spirits such as Mammon, Pride, Baal, Fear, Jezebel, Succubus, Worry, Azazel, Anti Christ, Beelzebub, Cofusion, Asteroth, etc,. and a host of other wicked players. Let us be a sober as possible so that we may be as vigilant as possible against the snares of the wicked.

    This is spiritual warfare. Let us put on the full armor of God.

    Hallelujah to the Lamb of God
    Praise be to our Heavenly Father
    Blessed is the Holy Spirit
    Hosanna forever!!

  3. She didn't seem Herself. Wasn't very active, doesn't fight " Hungry" . I think THAT is the difference with Her and Shevchenko too. The " Long Road" has made them battle weary, now they just want to outpoint to a decision, but these up and comers, although NOT as talented, ARE FRESH, Less training camps, less miles. I hope Rose has made enough money, to make her Happy.

  4. Rose is so beautiful and an incredible athlete and fearsome fighter. We are blessed to witness the picture she paints everytime she enters the Octagon. Enjoy her while she is here because once she retires, there will never be another Rose!!! Long live ThugRose..

  5. I thought Rose which I am a huge fan of, lacked her normal speed and killer instinct??? In her interview she mentioned not having to run and work as hard to drop to 115# ? Possibly this extra running and training affected her confidence ?

  6. Rose is a beautiful woman but that fresh face is gone forever. Note to self…put in a year, get what you can…retire.