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-Soutenez-nous sur Patreon ! -Suivez-nous sur Instagram Lien sources ESPN MMA- *Musique de fond beatsbyNeVs – Ridin' *Musique d'introduction beatsbyNeVs – MMA World Intro
Nobody talking about rakic training wtf was that
I think I may have had a stroke. I just heard Brendan schaub speaking and the words coming out of his mouth were making sense.
I love Sean, but I'm sure I'm not the only one he doesn't speak for when saying "nobody wants to you naked". I for one would definitely not turn away
Conor looks like he’s has plastic surgery
Hahahahaha! Sean Strickland hit the nail on the head with that one! She's trying to sound smart by giving the historical definition of "cuckold", when we all know what it means and our definition is the only thing that matters. That training looks gay af, but it's probably effective af as well, every inch(haha) of effectiveness, comes with a sacrifice.
That ending lol
prolly one of the funniest ending to these videos lmfao
Did connor get botox ?
"Say Arnold Schwarzenegger again Conor"
Lol the legend of Sean Strickland is fading away
Shut up Connor
Trt cowboy
if your not fighting and getting old it’s great why get old if you can stay young in body and mind
ian gary isn't a bad guy, his wife is the one pulling the strings, sean strickland played right into the game
why is this succubus yapping
Tbf Strickland's right…We all forgot about Ian's muppet until it brought Sean's name up again
The ending would have Khabib Nurmagomedov thinking "smesh that boy"
The fucking end had me crying
Who givses a fuck what Brendan thinks…..he should go back to bully called…..who is like 60
Agreed Sean, agreed!
Im gonna be a star like Rocky and Terminator millions of movies…
you kno??? I jreally ust want to fight
W Strickland