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Dana White et Michael Chandler confirment que le combat contre Conor McGregor est toujours en suspens et n'est en aucun cas officiel pour le retour de McGregor à l'UFC. Ma liste de lecture McGregor : McGregor ESPN : McGregor MMA Hour : Chandler Interview récente de TMZ : McGregor Tweaking SI Interview : Chandler janvier Interview ESPN : Chandler janvier TMZ Interview : Dana White Usman/Cejudo Podcast : Devenez membre pour avoir accès à des avantages exclusifs : Faites un don via PayPal, tous les dons sont reversés sur la chaîne : Suivez-moi sur Twitter : Suivez-moi sur Instagram : Mon équipement Youtube Mon équipement Sony A6400 : Objectif Sigma 16 mm : Micro Shure SM7B : Interface audio Scarlett 2i2 : Carte de capture Elgato Camlink 4k : Elgato Stream Deck : Éclairage des touches Elgato (2) : Mic Cloud Lifter : Lampe Edison :

44 Responses

  1. You're bang on mate.
    This fight is far from done, & you can tell that McGregor isn't interested in fighting Chandler. The faxt that he has been talkin about Poirier & Diaz says it all.
    Poor Michael.

  2. You're putting too much emphasis on how conor acted on the day after St Patricks day… In Ireland; he most likely partied through the night and never slept. If he is acting like this again in an interview then that would be reason for concern

  3. Conor Chandler will never happen because Conor will find a way to screw it up. Chandler only cares that his check from fighting Conor would be much, much higher than normal (perhaps a retirement amount?) and that's all he cares about. Conor can screw off, but I feel sorta bad for Chandler…

  4. i dont think they are ever gonna fight, which mean joey will be able to make conner chandler videos for atleast another year, BIG w for the channel

  5. Conor is my all time favorite fighter but i just think he should retire at this point … unless he gets off drugs and trains hard for a year maybe he can take an easy payday match but anybody in the top 15 would be a nightmare for him if he is all coked up and not active or motivated in years coming off a disastrous injury like he had.. it really sucks to see this happen with him , i couldn’t wait to see him fight and i prayed he would make a fantastic comeback , but i was just delusional on purpose because of my love and bias for Conor … 😢

  6. Michael Chandler put his career on hold to wait for Conor McGregor.
    Dude is obviously looking for one huge payday, so that he can check out of MMA.
    Anything else doesn't make sense.

  7. Chandler is actually a scumbag for wanting to fight Conor after seeing how he's struggling mentally and physically. The community rallies behind Volk and Strickland over their mental health but laugh at Conor. I've never been a McGregor fan but I think the community should be vocal saying they don't want to see Conor fight until he's sober and Chandler is a scumbag for wanting to fight an addict who can't make it through a 3 min interview.

  8. I think UFC found multiple banned substances in his system through tests. Instead of making that public, they are giving BS stories about Conor having too much money.

  9. The fact that 'Tubers talk about this every other day highlights just how few stars the UFC has. How many fighters under contract? 600+? And all you can talk about is C.M? This is not a good sign. And before long people will FINALLY click past this non story.

  10. Uncle Dana is rich af but showing up for work and training your body for a mma fight are two different thing's entirely 😂

  11. Don’t forget what Hollywood can do to a person. The public portrayal and embarrassment is the initiation. Ass naked on film then this interview. Think about it. The easy speculation is drugs and alcohol and being a dirtbag. Now that I mage is painted they go back to Conner and say look what we’ve done, we can still reverse this but you must sell yourself entirely

  12. Chandler's holding out to fight a guy who's in dire need of an intervention and medical attention is just as bad if not worse than Jake beating up a senior citizen. Jake and Chandler should fight for the POS Belt.