MMA Rashguards

Erin Blanchfield discute de l'obtention de l'événement principal de l'UFC Atlantic City, en compétition à Singapour, si une chance au titre est en jeu ce week-end, de ce qu'elle a pensé du dernier combat de Rose Namajunas à l'UFC, si Rose est meilleure à 115 ou 125 livres, son combattant préféré en grandissant, ses réflexions sur les commentaires de Maycee Barber, la trilogie entre Alexa Grasso et Valentina Shevchenko, 3 tours contre 5 tours, et plus encore. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder à des avantages : Abonnez-vous à MMA Fighting sur YouTube : Abonnez-vous à The MMA Hour sur iTunes : Abonnez-vous à The MMA Hour sur Spotify : Abonnez-vous au flux MMA Fighting sur iTunes : Consultez notre catalogue vidéo complet : Visitez nos playlists : Aimez MMAF sur Facebook : Suivez sur Twitter : En savoir plus : MMA Fighting est votre foyer pour des interviews exclusives, des spectacles en direct et bien plus encore pour l'un des sports à la croissance la plus rapide au monde. Recevez les dernières nouvelles et plus ici :

25 réponses

  1. Ela acha que a Rose Namajunas é melhor no peso palha. Significa que ela acha que a Rose não se dará bem no peso mosca. Grande engano dela. Rose já está mais adaptada ao peso mosca e enfrentará de igual para igual a Erin se se enfrentarem. Rose quer voltar a ser campeã e enfrentará pra valer as adversárias do peso-mosca. A Erin, antes de pensar em disputar o cinturão, terá que vencer a Manon Fiorot, o que não será nada fácil. É muito difícil derrubar a Manon. O ponto forte da Erin é derrubar e poderá ficar frustrada e perder para a francesa.

  2. Nah Rose shouldnt be mentally cleared to fight. She literally way trying to talk about the bees talking to her and trying to protect her from a tresspasser

    How many more insane signs do we need that this girl is on the edge of another mental breakdown?

    She isnt very smart at all. And with people like Barry around she will only get worse.

    Someone needs to say What the ruck are you on about, you are sounding insane Rose. We need to get you help"

    Ive dated BPD sufferers before and the bee thing is common with them.

    They talk to bees and pretend they are friends and have a friendly relationship thats 2 way.

    Its always signs their illness is playing up

  3. Erin better sharpen her striking up. It’s extremely questionable. I hope she made massive improvements on her striking. Obviously her grappling is top flight her striking is subpar. I hope she cleans that up. She should go to that place that Khalil roundtree went to. His striking is vicious! I think that will help her out tremendously.

  4. She is very confident knowing that Manon is gonna destroy her. If she managed to put her on the ground she is gonna have a big surprise =)

  5. First – 🤩
    Second – If Erin wins this match this weekend, she should match up with Macy Barber next
    And that winner should take on the winner of Grasso and Valentina at the end of the year 😎👊

  6. Erin: it was fun I was breaking down all the technical grappling that was going on, it was fun and I want to do that more.

    Ariel: is that something you’d like to do more of?

  7. She is starting to open up her personality a LITTLE bit more. For a while there, she was talking like Corey Sandhagen… super matter of fact and dry.

  8. Erin has that turn the switch on intensity when she steps in the Octagon, definitely not a person you want to be fighting on the ground with.

  9. I dont think Rose is small for flyweight blanchfield is 1 inch shorter than rose manon is billed at 5"7 shes bigger than both it'll be interesting if blanchfield can beat fiorot which rose couldn't beat