MMA Rashguards

Le gourou du MMA GAGNE LA DÉPRESSION après Erin Blanchfield contre Manon Fiorot à l'UFC Fight Night Atlantic City #joaquinbuckley #vicenteluque #ufcatlanticcity #ufcfightnight #arielhelwani #alexpereira #jamahalhill #mmaguru #seanomalley #ufc297 #ufc300 #dricusduplessis #ufc300 #conormcgregor #michaelchandler #iangarry # israeladesanya #justingaethje #dustinpoirier #benoitsaintdenis #marlonvera #seanomalley #arielhelwani #maxholloway #jamahalhill #renatomoicano #alexpereira #tomaspinall #joepyfer #ufc298 #alexandervolkanovski #michaelchandler #paulocosta #illiatopuria #robertwhittaker #iangarry #stephenthompson #jonanik #brianort ega #yairrodriguez #ufcmexico # ufcfightnight #michaelbisping #jonjones #maxholloway #jairzinhorozenstruik #shamilgaziev #ufcvegas87 #ryangarcia #miketyson #jakepaul #anthonyjoshua #francisngannou #ufc299 #kevinholland #michaelvenompage #petryan #songyadong #curtisblaydes #colbycovington #jonjones #josealdo #tomaspinall # michaelbisping ​⁠​⁠​ ⁠@the-mma-guru

42 réponses

  1. Unironically sitting around after the fights in silence to farm donos is just a peak example of how pathetic Guru paypigs are, only one step above DSP and Wing paypigs on God 😂

  2. This was the most torturous experience I’ve had in a while. Most the fights were shit, specially the main card fights. And while watching this on ESPN they kept playing the same 2 ads over and over again. I’m going to do myself a favor and just skip out on female main events from now on. I don’t care if the co main event is McGregor vs Chandler, I’m never watching a female main even anymore. They never get a finish so it ends up being 25 minutes of an amateur level MMA fight.

  3. this is the physical representation of watching your favorite game start out so well, but then having update after update slowly turn the game into a pile of dogshit

  4. GOAT MMA reminding us recently why he's the best clip channel on YouTube. Slim and Grayshirt got nothing on John Pork.

  5. That card was still somehow better than watching Manchester City draw 0-0 with Arsenal. I know I'm setting the bar pretty low.