MMA Rashguards

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32 réponses

  1. IMO GSP is the GOAT, but I believe Khabib would have been the GOAT if he got a couple more wins. Or finished a welterweight champ.

    I don’t believe fighters were “afraid of being taken down by Khabib,” so much as unable to out muscle him once he got ahold of them. P4P, I’ve never seen strength like Khabib.

    It’s a crime we got GSP/Bisping instead of GSP/Khabib at 165. Coming from someone who believes Bisping may be the coolest person alive.

  2. Tyrone, your not worth a fight against him. Did you ever get that tattoo that you promised Jake Paul for losing??

  3. f the ufc dana and his bs matchmakers! izzy didn't ask for rematch with the guy who beat him and waited for someone else to beat him so he can challenge more comfortable opponent for title and it seems he is subscribed for title fights only. Izzy should have fought khamzat and the winner gets the title shot.or izzy could have fought strickland for rematch and the winner fights ddp. and the mess with justin dutstin and islam bmf bs belt…total non sense

  4. Woodley gone off the Reservation, somebody tell him "We Don't Care"! Boxing has become Theatre and UFC is going the same way, why no rematches for close title fights for one?

  5. WOODLEY, PSHH 😂!!!!! YOU GOT KO'D by Paul!!!! Who at that time was a mere amateur, you never respected the fans when you were champ in the UFC and look at you now…. like a damn peasant, begging for left overs for help….

    He cannot figure out that HE IS NOT A DRAW!!!! In either UFC or BOXING! Especially, after getting KO'D by Jake and you think you can handle the speed and hands of Pacquiao? This dude really needs Jesus, even though he claims he's close… he needs to be more like Momma Woodley and take some tips from her character and ppl are more drawn to MOMMA WOODLEY than what's his name?

  6. I respect George for understanding how Khabib operates and how to possibly beat him. Cejudo understand's the game just as well but is now on a 2 fight skid. Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face

  7. Tyrone has got cte this guy gets knocked out by jack image what one of the best boxers that ever lived will do to him

  8. Khabib was SCARED of going up a weight-class!
    His father and himself said they DON'T want 170, they wanted a fight at 155 or in the middle. Why?
    Because they were SCARED of the weight and size difference!
    Anyone who understands the ACTUAL technical aspects of Sambo and Khabibs style KNOWS that weight and size ALONE nullifies A LOT of technique!
    Because alot of the pressure is not about just strength but about WEIGHT distribution. If the other guy IS stronger AND bigger, Khabibs weight placement and control is diminished.

    This is why Khabib complicated the negotiations with demands for GSP to cut weight so he could have an advantage.
    And then he QUIT 👏
    He was in his prime and had a LEGENDARY FIGHT he could have taken, but decided to QUIT.
    THAT is his legacy!